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Struggling with Breastfeeding? 4 Reasons to Talk to a Lactation Consultant

Although women have been breastfeeding for thousands of years, it can be challenging! A lactation consultant can answer your questions and guide you toward successfully breastfeeding your baby. If you or your baby are experiencing any of the following problems, our lactation consultant would love to meet with you and help you on your breastfeeding journey.

Reason #1: Baby is Losing Weight

It’s common for a baby to lose roughly 10% of his birth weight within the first few days of his life. (For example, a 10-pound baby may lose up to one pound or an 8-pound baby may lose roughly 13 ounces.) But, when your baby is breastfeeding, he should be able to regain that weight and more within the first two weeks of his life. If your baby is not regaining or adding to his weight, he may not be getting enough milk, or another issue may be present.

Reason #2: Breastfeeding is Painful

There are certain issues that may cause breastfeeding to be painful. Many women experience issues such as engorgement (breasts are too full of milk), plugged ducts (milk flow is blocked), or mastitis (inflamed breast tissue). A lactation consultant can determine the problem and help you find a treatment option.

Primary Pediatrics has a lactation consultant on staff to help new or experienced moms! Call us today to schedule an appointment:


Reason #3: You’re Worried About Your Milk Supply

If you’re concerned that baby isn’t getting enough milk, a lactation consultant can help. For example, did you know that your body is wired to produce milk based on a supply and demand method? The more your baby drinks, the more milk your body will produce. We don’t want you to feel like you must breastfeed 24/7 to ensure your milk supply is adequate! Talk to our lactation consultant today about your concerns.

Reason #4: You’re Frustrated or Discouraged

It doesn’t matter if this is your first or fifth baby, breastfeeding can be challenging because all babies are different! A lactation consultant can encourage you and talk to you about new ideas to help you succeed. Breastfeeding is a very natural way to feed a baby, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.